Today in alternative medicine: The Alkaline Diet

Wednesday, April 25, 2012
I always try to avoid going to the pharmacy. I prefer trying different "natural" healthy alternatives that are more focused into preventing the illness instead of treating it. They are not as immediate as a pill, but in my opinion it's better to stay healthy than to be dependent on pills to feel okay. The alkaline diet sounded very interesting to me and I'm giving it a chance.

Almost all foods that we eat, after being digested and metabolized, release either an acid or an alkaline base into blood. 
We don't just have one pH level. For example, the stomach has a pH ranging from 1.35-3.5. It must be acidic to aid in digestion. However, blood must always be slightly alkaline, with a pH of 7.35 to 7.45. Our diet should reflect this pH level by being slightly alkaline. 

For most people, the typical diet is too acidic, which means the body will attempt to restore equilibrium by depleting certain minerals (such as calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium) from organs and bones. This imbalance is thought to make people prone to illness. By following the alkaline diet you could help your body to mantain these minerals and your immune system to focus back into dealing with disease.

According to some alternative practitioners, an acid-producing diet is the cause of a number of chronic diseases. They recommend the alkaline diet if a person has the following symptoms (and other illnesses have been ruled out).
Lack of energy
Excessive mucous production
Nasal congestion
Frequent colds and flu
Anxiety, nervousness, irritability
Though this diet is not scientifically proven to cure any disease, it is definitely a healthy habit and will make you feel better in many ways.

Here's a chart that differentiates between food with acidic and alkaline ash:

If you can choose 80% of your daily food from the alkaline category and only 20% from the acid category, you will be on your way. In addition, you will be eating much healthier in general and you will most likely drop a few pounds.

I leave you a video that explains all this quite clearly:


  • Alkaline Diet

    Once you have been on the diet for a while, you will notice some definite improvements in the way you feel. Dieters often say they have more energy than they have had in years and report clearer skin, fewer aches or pains and weight loss. The human body is a wondrous thing and when it is fed properly, you can avoid things like cancer and other serious illnesses.

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